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Our Heros

The Humboldt and District SPCA relies on the hard work and compassion their volunteers to assist in the care of many animals who need our help every year.

We call them volunteers, but to the staff and the animals - they are heroes.

In every capacity they serve, volunteers are a highly valued resource to our society and are making a very real difference to the lives of so many animals.

We can never show enough appreciation for all the hard work done by our volunteers. Thank you for all you do!

Begin to make a difference for the animals!

Volunteering at the SPCA provides the opportunity to share knowledge, acquire new skills, meet new people, discover new challenges and to make a valuable contribution to the lives of animals! 

Volunteers are integral to the smooth and successful operation of the shelter, the provision of quality care to the animals, fundraising activities, and in educating the public about responsible ownership. 

If you are over 16 years of age and want to help those who cannot help themselves, you can apply! 

We are looking for people interested in walking dogs and tending to cats and kittens. We have three shifts a day, 8:30 am great way to start your day. 3:30 pm great for parents with young children and 7:30 pm bring your whole family great way to spend an evening with the family or friends or just come alone. Come in and sign up or call 682-5550.

In order to become a volunteer, you must complete a Volunteer Orientation. Phone the Humboldt SPCA for more information.

The Humboldt and District SPCA is constantly in need of dog walkers to help take care of our canine friends and give them the exercise and socialization they both need and look forward to.

It doesn't take a lot of time, it's fun, and the rewards are endless!

Other volunteer activities may include:

Animal Socialization - Volunteers help the animals feel more comfortable at the shelter by interacting with them through play, grooming, praise and generally providing love until permanent adopters can be found. This is an important job to help socialize the animal and therefore increase their chances of becoming adopted

Kennel Maintenance - Volunteers clean out and set up cat cages and dog kennels.

Cats and Small Animals
Our smaller animals need just as much attention as the dogs. There are a number of ways in which volunteers can assist in the care of our many cats, rabbits, hamsters, rats, guinea pigs, and various other little friends.

Volunteers in this program will help ensure that cats in our shelters are in a state of optimal physical, behavioural & emotional health. For many animals, living in a shelter can be stressful and depressing - help our cats stay happy while they wait for their forever homes!

Other volunteer activities may include:

Animal Socialization - Volunteers help the animals feel more comfortable at the shelter by interacting with them through play, grooming, praise and generally providing love until permanent adopters can be found. This is an important job to help socialize the animal and therefore increase their chances of becoming adopted.

Kennel Maintenance - Volunteers clean out and set up cat cages and dog kennels.

Becoming a Foster Parent
The Humboldt and District SPCA is in urgent need of foster homes for cats, dogs and small animals too!

About Fostering
The Humboldt and District SPCA Foster Program benefits animals who have a good chance of adoption, but who are either too young, sick, injured, under socialized or emotionally stressed to survive in the shelter environment. Instead, animals are cared for and rehabilitated in a nurturing foster home. Healthy adult animals are also placed in foster care when space is limited in our shelters.

If you are interested in helping the animals and becoming a Foster Parent Volunteer, please drop by or give us a call at 306.682.5550. Or Download the Volunteer Form here.


Helping Those Who Cannont Help Themselves.