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Type: Cat

Species: Cat

Age: Baby

Gender: Male

Coat: Short

Size: Medium

Breed: Bombay

Mixed: Yes

Unknown: No

Colour: Black

Spayed/Neutered: No

House Trained: Yes

Declawed: No

SpecialNeeds: No

Shots Current: Yes

Children: Yes

Dogs: Yes

Cats: Yes

Taking Applications BUT they can’t go until November 12 th they will be 8 weeks old they can’t go any sooner than that.
DEWORMED: They Will Be
These little ones were found with no mommy so a kind person brought them into the SPCA. They are so sweet and tiny. If you would like to make one or 2 of them part of your family you can fill out an online application or stop at the spca and fill one out.


Adopt Binx

Adoption Form

Please list all members of your household (including yourself):

Add Member Remove Member

Current Pets

Type/Breed Age Sex Where does this pet live? Is/was your pet current on vaccinations? Still Owned If not, why?

Please provide the name, address and phone number of three references (no family members)

Name Address Phone Number

If Submit button is not working, make sure all fields with a * are filled in.